Category Archives: EQ 5

A New Lease on an Old Love

I purchased an EQ 5 computer quilting program a month before the new EQ 6 came out. That was no problem, but I never got to take the class at the quilt shop because of scheduling conflicts. I had fun playing with the program on my old computer, but when it died, I let the program and hopes of using it go.

Now five months after getting a new computer, I finally installed EQ 5. These next few days will be busy ones while I try to remember everything I almost learned over a year ago.

I love the way the program will load palettes of fabric from manufacturers, so that you can design a quilt on screen and see it in the fabrics you will be using. So much more inspiring than to design a quilt and not be certain of the fabric colors or designs.

Life is so full for me that I am surprised I even bothered to re-install the program. It seems that the older I get, the less free time I have. But my love for quilting continues.

Wish me luck, please. I’ll try to blog here more often now that I’ll be playing around with EQ 5.

Happy Quilting!

 The Fool